21 Mayıs 2024 Salı
As every year, our disruptions in the functioning of Bolu Provincial Nursing Week were celebrated with enthusiasm with the joint program of the Nursing Department and the Provincial Nursing Committee. With the treatment of this talent, its managers, our colleagues and their continuation, an official ceremony was held at Anıt Park on 14.05.2024.

Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department and Bolu Provincial Nursing Committee organized a "Nursing Week Panel" as the official program for 12-18 May Nursing Week. In the panel held online on May 15, 2024 at 13.30; Participation of academicians, officials and many students was ensured. The opening speech of the panel was made by BAİBÜ Nursing Department Head Prof. Dr. Yasemin YILDIRIM USTA and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Nazmiye YILDIRIM KOCAMAN did it.

In the program moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birgül CERİT, faculty member of BAİBÜ SBF Nursing Department; Department of Surgical Nursing Res. See. Dr.Ümmühan Yiğit, “ICN 2024 Theme: Our Nurses, Our Future: The Economic Power of Care”; Assoc. Prof., Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering. Dr.Abdulkadir Atalan, “The Effects of Investment in Nursing Services on the Health System from an Engineering Perspective”; BAİBÜ, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics faculty member Assoc. Dr. Işıl Şirin Selçuk Çakmak made presentations on "The Economics of Care for Sustainable Development and Healthy Societies".

Additionally, as a social program, a Nursing Week Dinner was organized for our department professors and a Bursa trip was organized for our students. We would like to thank our Nursing Week Activities Commission for their contribution to the organization of the Nursing Week Ceremony Program together with the Bolu Provincial Nursing Committee and for the subsequent organization.