Unlimited entertainment from BAİBÜ Students on April 23

29 Nisan 2024 Pazartesi

For April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day, Abant İzzet Baysal University Nursing Students organized activities for children.
Nursing students who organized April 23 events at Bolu Karacasu Primary School became a source of joy for the children. The organization, which was held in a primary school with a student population of approximately 300 people and lasted for 3 hours; Activities such as tug of war, face painting, carrying a ping pong ball with a spoon and grabbing chairs accompanied by music were carried out. The smiles on the faces of the children reflected in the photographs taken during the entertainment accompanied by 1 clown and 1 rabbit costume warmed our hearts.
Within the scope of the Volunteer Studies course conducted by Lecturer Hacer Alpteker;
BAIBU Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Program students Elif ES, Sümeyye SanGa, Sena Nur MaraS, Manal Zubadİ, Abdullah Songur, Ibrahim Uygun, Semanur Yumak, Salam Almhimid attended.